
Friday, June 24, 2011

One Year

A year ago today, I was making my return to the United States. It was the end of a wonderful adventure. I left my Chinese home and came back to America.
A year ago, I did not think that I would meet the man of my dreams within four months, and be married to him in another seven.
I didn't think that my sister and I would meet and marry roommates. (She's getting married in two and a half months!)
I didn't know that I would be spending the first six months of this year working in a preschool for children with Autism.
I didn't think that I would have driven across the country almost five times. (With family reunion in Georgia in a few weeks, it will be seven times!)
And, I didn't think that I would enjoy an X-Men movie.

So many other things have happened within this past year, and I still find it hard to believe how quickly time passes.. I miss the experiences I had in China. I miss the children I taught. I miss our coordinators, our handy man, kung fu teachers, and school cooks. I miss the food, the smells, and even the ridiculously sticky humidity.

Although I still miss China on a regular basis, I love where I'm at now. I'm married to my best friend.. for eternity! I couldn't ask for anything better.

1 comment:

  1. Life can change in the blink of an eye.

    I think it's so cool you've been to China. Did you know about the schools in the area with Chinese Immersion Programs? Wasatch in Provo and Cascade Elementary in Orem both have programs and might be in need of aids with Chinese experience.

    p.s. this is Alyssa May
