
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Confessions of a Housewife

My job as a para-educator ended as the school year ended. I've applied for about ten different jobs now, and I've only been called for one interview so far.. which apparently didn't go that well since I haven't heard back from them. So, for now, I'm a housewife. Here are some confessions...
-I play Mario Galaxy until I lose all my lives and get to Game Over.
-Since seeing a garden snake on our sidewalk, I'm paranoid that one will get into our house.
-I tell myself every night before I go to sleep that I'll exercise for at least 30 minutes the next day. It rarely happens.
-I fix my hair on an average of two days a week now.
-I also tell myself that I'll try learning more Spanish and Chinese.
-Really, I have all kinds of good intentions that don't work out.
-I'm always checking the clock to see how many more hours it is until Adam gets off of work.
-I check Netflix all the time, but usually end up watching the same thing.
-Even though television is clearly meant for only your eyes and ears, I sometimes hold my nose while watching Hoarders.
-I think about how much laundry I already have to do with just the two of us, and it makes me shudder to think about what it will be like when we have kids. Props to all you moms out there.
Anyway, those are some thoughts for now.

Oh and PS- I'll get some wedding pictures up soon.

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