
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Catch Up (warning: picture overload)

Whew! The school year ended just before Memorial Day. Normally that would mean summer break (and we all know that I chose to be an educator so that I could have a two month vacation every year). That didn't quite happen this summer. I ran my second 5k the day after the school year ended and then I spent a solid eight weeks on the beautiful Westminster College campus with the Institute for Montessori Innovations. You can read about it here and here (and I'm sure I'll post all about it later, considering I'll still be taking classes all school year).

But, after the working-school year ended and before the craziness of summer classes started, we were able to go on another cross country road trip to Virginia (this makes our 4th round trip in under two years, Hyundai really should pay us for thoroughly testing out the new Sonata).

I was sure to keep Adam entertained during the LONG drive

We spent a few days in Kansas on our way out. Adam's cousin got married, so it was nice to spend time with his parents and sister, and to get to know some of his extended family a little better. After the wedding weekend, we continued our drive to the east coast, where we spent five glorious days in the beautiful, lush rolling hills of Virginia. I've become fond of the dry air of Utah, but I will always choose a thick forest over the desert. Always.
On our way out of Virginia- see all that green?!
On our way out of Utah
While in Virginia, we got to see Savannah & Jay and Karlee, and their newest little one, Brynlee. She was only four weeks old when we got to see her. So precious.

I love seeing this comparison (:

My sister, Samantha, graduated from high school just a few days before we got there (she came out to Utah a few days after we got back and has been staying with us all summer!), and we had a party for her. All kinds of friends and family came. It was nice to see everyone.

High school friends - I love these girls!

 One of my dad's friends let us go fishing in his pond. Cat-fishing! I had never caught a catfish, so I was pretty excited. I think we all were. (Hopefully some of these pictures don't gross you out).

This is the big guy that I had to fight with
Even Gracie was excited to go!
Rachel and Mike were actually there while we were.. but this next picture is the only evidence of that. Oops!

The five days in Virginia went by super fast, but they were so fun. But, before we left, we had breakfast at The Swinging Bridge. Adam and I always have to eat there whenever we're in Virginia. It is located at the back of an old country general store, and its just adorable! Plus the food is good too. Mmm!

At the end of June we were able to FLY back to Kansas for a family reunion. So fun! Although, the only pictures I have of that weekend are of Jennifer's dog-children, and of Adam with Jennifer's best friend's kids. Their mom made delicious chocolate chip cookies, and the kids and I ended up playing some game that involved Adam becoming a cookie monster and the rest of us having to hide from him so that he wouldn't eat us. Kids are so fun (:

Anyway, those are the most interesting parts of our summer. Now to enjoy the last couple weeks before school starts up again!

Oh, and here are some funny pictures of/from my Grandma, and an awesome picture of Rachel and I as kids with Mom and Dad. We're so cool.

She wrote on our car before we left. She's so cute, but she's always trying to steal the men in my life, she put my name on there as a after thought (;

She HATES the word 'fart', I think it's hilarious!
Check out Mom's hair!