
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Confessions of a Housewife

My job as a para-educator ended as the school year ended. I've applied for about ten different jobs now, and I've only been called for one interview so far.. which apparently didn't go that well since I haven't heard back from them. So, for now, I'm a housewife. Here are some confessions...
-I play Mario Galaxy until I lose all my lives and get to Game Over.
-Since seeing a garden snake on our sidewalk, I'm paranoid that one will get into our house.
-I tell myself every night before I go to sleep that I'll exercise for at least 30 minutes the next day. It rarely happens.
-I fix my hair on an average of two days a week now.
-I also tell myself that I'll try learning more Spanish and Chinese.
-Really, I have all kinds of good intentions that don't work out.
-I'm always checking the clock to see how many more hours it is until Adam gets off of work.
-I check Netflix all the time, but usually end up watching the same thing.
-Even though television is clearly meant for only your eyes and ears, I sometimes hold my nose while watching Hoarders.
-I think about how much laundry I already have to do with just the two of us, and it makes me shudder to think about what it will be like when we have kids. Props to all you moms out there.
Anyway, those are some thoughts for now.

Oh and PS- I'll get some wedding pictures up soon.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Milestone

Nine months ago I met a boy named Adam. He invited me, my sister, and our roommate over for lunch one Sunday. He mentioned, in passing, that he loved the show Scrubs. I had watched a couple episodes over the years, so in an attempt to make conversation with a new friend I said (probably with too much enthusiasm) "I love that show!" Yeah, yeah, I know. Girls are so weird. But, all you ladies out there can NOT deny having ever taken temporary interest in something for a guy. You know I'm right.
Anyway, a few months went by. Adam and I continued to watch the entire series of Scrubs, but sometimes with a little less enthusiasm. I mean.. we couldn't start a relationship using only a common interest in a television show, right? Well, we clearly found more things in common. So began the wedding madness. That whole time frame has passed, and we're now settling into married life. Which means not having to always go out to have fun. So we continued watching our favorite show. And.... we finished today! (we didn't watch the last season because Adam says it's dumb and he doesn't even consider it to be part of the series).
I know that most people might think this is a stupid thing to call a "milestone." But, many late night conversations happened while watching the show, which led to a great friendship, and then eventually our marriage.
So, thank you to Scrubs. Thank you for the laughter, the tears, the many life lessons, and something that I'll always be able to share with my best friend.

Friday, June 24, 2011

One Year

A year ago today, I was making my return to the United States. It was the end of a wonderful adventure. I left my Chinese home and came back to America.
A year ago, I did not think that I would meet the man of my dreams within four months, and be married to him in another seven.
I didn't think that my sister and I would meet and marry roommates. (She's getting married in two and a half months!)
I didn't know that I would be spending the first six months of this year working in a preschool for children with Autism.
I didn't think that I would have driven across the country almost five times. (With family reunion in Georgia in a few weeks, it will be seven times!)
And, I didn't think that I would enjoy an X-Men movie.

So many other things have happened within this past year, and I still find it hard to believe how quickly time passes.. I miss the experiences I had in China. I miss the children I taught. I miss our coordinators, our handy man, kung fu teachers, and school cooks. I miss the food, the smells, and even the ridiculously sticky humidity.

Although I still miss China on a regular basis, I love where I'm at now. I'm married to my best friend.. for eternity! I couldn't ask for anything better.